Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Truth about Hair and other Necessary Evils.

I spend a lot of money on my hair. A lot. I would actually be able to fully decorate my apartment if I didn't spend so much money on my damn hair. I feel that most of confidence actually comes from my hair. So I say all that to say this: If you have any kind of money where you need to beautify yourself, and you need to choose what to do? Get your hair done. Nothing makes you feel better on a shitty day than great fresh hair. Getting your hair done is what I like to call a necessary evil.

Getting you hair done is expensive. Trust me I know. I'm a black woman, so getting my hair done is equivalent to a car payment. But, it's something that must be done. my definition of a necessary evil. A necessary evil is something that you have to suck it on and spend the money on if you have it to do it. Waxing also falls into this category.

Some people can do their hair like a professional. So much so that others request for them to do their hair. Great. If you are a licensed beautician, even better. But if you do your own hair, and other people do not ask you to do theirs. Get it done. If you have easy hair, and by easy hair I mean the kind you just throw some water on and everything is okay. That is somewhat okay. I still think you should treat yourself to the full monty every now and again. If you cannot, repeat, cannot do your own hair....at all. Go through the arduous process of finding a beautician and handle your business on a regular basis. Great hair, or at least the appearance of it, really does wonders for the confidence.

Waxing, well, do I really need to explain. Well, I will say I am really obsessed with my brows. They need to be dooonne all the time. Most professional eyebrow waxers can't maintain eyebrows. So needless to say, you shouldn't do it. When someone else does, it just looks better. Don't even get me started on the mustaches. Here's a little tip, for those who has issues with the wax (sensitive skin, allergic reactions, etc). Have your eyebrow lady wax just the middle of the brow down, and have her shape the front with tweezers. You won't even get red. Some eyebrow places like to put powder on your brows so that it will sort of dim the power of the wax on your skin. That doesn't work. Threading also eliminates this problem as well. I'm not a huge fan of it because it hurts, but I'll be honest and say that I did like the end result more than waxing. It just took longer to get there.

Jennifer Lopez has good brows. If you all get threaded and you don't have thick brows, invest in that powder they sell. Will change your life.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ross...to shop or not to shop...

Oh so we're going here, yeah we're are. So this is a beauty on the budget site, correct? So one of those aspects of clothes. So right now, we're going to come out and address the elephant in the room when we talk about cheap clothes.

Okay, let's get something straight. You will never hear me mention at all on this blog, that I like Ross. Never.
For those, of you who don't know exactly what Ross is, it is the bargain basement discount chain of clothing in your city, and they are like termites. They are everywhere.

You have one or 50, or some version of it, down the street from your house. And yes, when you find yourself needing something in a pinch and it's not payday, you may wander in there...on accident...sometimes...

Now I will admit to Ross, more than I would admit to this.

Never. Why do people shop here?

Anyway, I hate that my first post is about Ross, is sets a bad tone for what I'm trying to accomplish here, but I am talking about pretty on the cheap, so it needs to come out somehow.

When I was on unemployment, I could not afford to shop at all. I wanted to cry. Its just clothes, I know that, but I hate that I got to a point in my life when I couldn't even buy a new pair of shoes for myself. I felt like a failure. I couldn't afford to do anything to make myself more attractive, and I would be reminded everyday that I failed.

Then I went to Ross. I was bored, and I desperately needed jeans, so I went. And, *sigh*, it was awesome. I found a pair of dark rinse bootcut jeans for $15, that fit, and did not look cheap. Soon after, everytime I got my unemployment I would deposit it in the bank, go get a starbucks and get me a little something from ross. It made life a little more bearable.

I'm not against Ross, now, at all. It's not for buying cute stuff, or getting a new wardrobe, it exists for functionality. I'm going to this girl's party who I don't know who llves in the hood and there's no way I'm spending $100 on a dress. Ross. My jeans are too tight, I can't breathe in them, but I don't get paid for another week! Ross. I need stuff to lay around the house in and I'll go to jail if I steal clothes. Goodwill. or Ross. I'm bored I need to kill an hour before its time for me to go to work and I can't possibly eat again. Ross.

Get my drift.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Welcome to Be Pretty or Die Trying.com. Let's start the festivities shall we? This is basically a "how to achieve beauty on budget" how to guide. But, of course, I would like to think mine is a little different. I have been completely gutted by this recession due to being laid off for a year, my credit card interest rates getting jacked up, and currently working two jobs to make ends meet. To add insult to injury, I currently reside in the most superficial city in the world, Los Angeles, California.

I named this blog be pretty or die trying because feeling pretty gives us women a wonderful sense of self esteem and empowerment that we need through these hard times. And when I say hard, times, I mean difficult need to feed my kids before I feed myself times. It is important to be smart, and I am smart, but sadly, unless you are locked in a underground shelter designing the next computer operating system that will make windows obsolete, your intellect is not going to be first thing people notice about you. And since I live in good ole' hell a, I would be lying if I said the way you are dressed and put together makes a tremendous impact on the way you perceive yourself, and the way others (i.e. potential employers, bored millionaires) see you.

Here's a couple of warnings before you continue reading,
If you are tremendous credit card debt because you can't settle for anything less than the best: this site is not for you.

I 'm clawing my way out of debt slowly but surely and I will do my best to give you tips that will only require you to spend cash or debit. Also, what I have to offer is just an opinion. You may disagree, some tips will not be your cup of tea, but I had to learn the hard way over a long period of time and this is all I got.

Last but not least, discount beauty is not always easy, I do not have a personal trainer or chef coming to my house every day to hook me up, so there is a lot of footwork sometimes. Trust me I know, I'm exhausted every single day. But it's worth it.
Happy reading everybody!